
Current Conditions : 71.1F / 21.7C, Clear - 6:57 AM PDT Jun. 6

Temperature: 71.1°F / 21.7°C | Humidity: 36% | Pressure: 29.74in / 1007hPa (Rising) | Conditions: Clear | Wind Direction: SW | Wind Speed: 5.8mph / 9.3km/h

Texas Mortgage Market Trends and Overview

Latest Financial Resources - RSS Feed - Fri, 06/06/2014 - 13:57
Texas mortgage rates on fixed and adjustable loans are on an upward trend. The industry is being affected by the downturn in the subprime market. However, the Fed may raise interest rates to curb inflation.

Overview of recent mortgage market trend in California

Latest Financial Resources - RSS Feed - Fri, 06/06/2014 - 13:57
Long term and short term California mortgage rates are currently on a downward trend. The California mortgage market is dominated by 30 year, 40 year and 50 year fixed rate loans and alternative products like Option ARMs and interest-only loans.

Current trends predominant in Florida mortgage market

Latest Financial Resources - RSS Feed - Fri, 06/06/2014 - 13:57
Florida mortgage current trends reflect the nationwide fall in fixed rate mortgages and 1 year ARMs. The subprime market is in trouble whereas the housing market has tried to remain steady with inflation.

Residential and refinance mortgage laws in New York

Latest Financial Resources - RSS Feed - Fri, 06/06/2014 - 13:57
As per the ammendment made on July 7, 1988 in the provisions of New York mortgage law, non-judicial foreclosure has become the alternative of judicial foreclosure.

Florida mortgage laws and their effects on foreclosure

Latest Financial Resources - RSS Feed - Fri, 06/06/2014 - 13:57
In florida mortgage law, in case of a joint mortgage in florida, any one of the joint owners in case of default can accelerate one's share of principal and interest accrued on the mortgage.

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Your Weekend Forecast For Bakersfield, CA

Chance of Precipitation: Fri: 0% / Sat: 0% / Sun: 0%. For complete forecast details...

Your 10-Day Forecast for Bakersfield, CA

Today: Sunny & High 97°F / Low 71°F.--- Sat: Sunny & High 99°F / Low 75°F.--- Sun: Sunny & High 104°F / Low 76°F.--- Mon: & Beyond.... For more details?

Current Conditions : 61.2F / 16.2C, Clear - 6:54 AM PDT Jun. 6

Temperature: 61.2°F / 16.2°C | Humidity: 16% | Pressure: 29.93in / 1013hPa (Rising) | Conditions: Clear | Wind Direction: SE | Wind Speed: 4.0mph / 6.4km/h
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